CURRENT TENANTS: Invoices for 2025 will be going out earlier this year - from Sept 2024. This is due to the large number of late payers last year and the admin, time taken in chasing these. You are advised to read the new rules for 2025 - attached.
Allotment Committee: The next Allotment Committee meeting is on Thursday 9th January 2025 at 2pm, at the Pavilion. Agenda attached.
Grow Your Own veg! If you would like an allotment, please call Cllr Roland Simpkins on 07973 772024 or email the Clerk on [email protected] For a returnable deposit of £25, village residents can enjoy one of our allotments plots on Newport Road.
Allotment Committee Contact Details: Attached Below - get in touch for help, advice, tool hire etc.
Invoices: 2023 invoices have all been sent. The increase will be 10p per pole. Please let us know if you are not continuing.
Notice to all Allotment Tenants: If you take children onto the allotment field please make sure that they remain on your plot and do not cause a nuisance to other allotment holders, by making a lot of noise and running around the site. Whilst the Parish Council does it best to try to make sure the allotments are safe this is an area for growing food and flowers and not a playground. Due to vehicles driving onto the allotment ground when the ground is soft, the ridings are very rutted and it is not safe to ride cycles on the ridings for children or adults. Please do not park vehicles on the ridings, you can drive to your plot to off-load heavy items but do not obstruct the ridings for others. If your plot is a long way from the entrance gates and car park areas, and you feel you need to have your car near your plot, then please make a parking area on your plot.
Tenant's Updates:
- The toilet is OPEN! Before using it, please make sure you have read and understood the instructions attached below
- SWCAA memberships for 2022 are now active. Ts & Cs are attached below along with the latest Newsletter.
- The water supply is now off until 1 April 2022. The vehicle gates will be locked from 1 November until 1 April 2022 - there will be no access for vehicles between those dates.
- The owner of the stables is concerned about smoke blowing from bonfires into the stables. Please think carefully before lighting bonfires as this really should only need to be once or twice a year, and not when the wind is blowing towards either the stables or Newport Road.
- SWCAA: Hanslope Allotment Holders are now all members of, and are insured through, the South West Counties Allotment Association. Terms and Conditions and Newsletter below. NEW SPRING 2021 NEWSLETTER BELOW!
Current Plot Holders: Please below/attached all documents re. the allotments for 2021, including:
- Committee contact details
- Annual Letter
- Allotment rules 2021
- Risk Assessment
- Meeting minutes
- SWCAA membership documents